I have started going back to quilting again once a fortnight and actually starting creating things again. It took a few visits just to get my mojo back, but I actually finished 2 UFO'S last week.
The first is a sewing machine cover, that I've been wanting to make for a couple of years now, but could never find a pattern that I liked that much.
The second thing is a little bag that hangs on the edge of the sewing table, armchair, desk etc and is somewhere to drop all my scraps of material, paper, threads etc. The top bit actually is filled with sand/shellgrit (or rice in my case) and is a pin cushion. The other girls that used shellgrit or sand have found that the tips of their pins are beginning to rust, so I decided to try rice instead.
I'm actually not that happy with this one, so I will be giving it to Tyler to put all her hair elastics and clips in, and I will make another one to match the sewing machine cover.
Wow , Sally you are so multi talented with your craft.Love these mate
Oh! I love the sewing machine cover, love the colours and patterns in the materials!
And what a great idea the bag is, I bet Tyler will love that for her hair ties etc!
Your sewing machine cover is so gorgeous! What a creative and crafty little Chica you are Sally!
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