Christmas was the first big event and we spent it here at home. Neither of us took any holidays over the Christmas break, so Rick worked right through (12 hr shifts for 10 days) and I had just the Public Holidays off. David, now 22, was down from Julia Creek and spent about 2 weeks with us which was GREAT. He really hasn't been back since moving out west, so we all really enjoyed his company - especially the kids. They loved getting to know their big brother again and he loved spending time with them as well. He offered to stay at home and mind them every day so that I could go to work and not worry about them. From their point of view, there was certainly lots of BIG advantages in having a brother in his 20's come to stay - like having Pizza delivered for lunch on the first day. (We never have Home Delivery Pizza).
Here they are trying on David's Fireman's helmet.
About a week before christmas our neighbors got together with us and we organised a street christmas party on our shared front lawn. We delivered invitations/flyers to all the houses in the street and 11/14 of those houses came. Everybody brought a plate of savouries and something to BBQ. As the day got later and the sun diseappeared we slowly spread out onto the road in the cul-de-sac. It was a great atmosphere and nice to finally meet everyone in the street.
Christmas Dinner was a small family affair. Because of work committments we decided to have it here at home the weekend before Christmas. Apart from ourselves we had Dad & Shirley, Aat, David, Kirsty & Cheryl and Cheryl's mum for dinner. We ate outside on the back patio and Rick cooked the Roast Pork in the new BBQ that I bought him for christmas. It was a really nice night.It really felt like all of the Christmas pressure had been lifted by the time that christmas eve arrived.The kids had a great christmas and Santa even brought a Wii for them which is a lot of fun for all of us.
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