We start out with morning tea at Mary's place with Tante Mary, Om Hans, Lud and Monique.
They have a beautiful Federation Style home which they are renovating themselves. Mary is gradually replacing the windows with Lead-Light windows that she is making herself. Hans has done nearly all of the carpentary work himself and he has some beautiful collections of carpentary tools that he has mounted on the walls around the house. Mary has a beautiful, and extensive collection of little blue & white porcelain Dutch houses displayed on shelves around the house.
Well, morning tea extended into a lovely lunch of salad and cold meat when I realized that it was 12.50, and we had arranged to meet my relatives for a catch-up at the North Ryde RSL, so it was a quick finish to lunch and a phone call to let them know that we were on our way. It was about a 20 minute trip.
On the way, we had to drive down Pittwater Rd, which was where my Great Aunty Glad used to live, so we made a note of where her house is - and it is only a block or 2 down from the main road and probably only about 2km from where we were staying. I feel like I have reached my family roots because my Dad actually grew up here as a little boy and went to the same Primary School that Monique's girls go to. What a co-incidence is that?
The catch-up with Robyn, Dick and Merideth was great - not long enough, but that was partly our fault for arriving late. Unfortunately the kid's playground was closed for the day, so Merideth found them some colouring in to do and bought them a milkshake each. We never heard them once: they were so well behaved. We are so proud of them, because it must be boring for kids when the adults are talking all the time.
After leaving them, we decide to call in on Banjo Patterson Park in Gladesville, but that is my next post.
We have organized with Mary & Hans to go out tonight to the Hunter's Hill Hotel for a Steak Night, but, unfortunately I have to stay home with Tyler and only Rick & Bryce go with Monique and the girls.
As I was getting Tyler ready to go out after her bath, she started vomiting and looked decidedly unwell, so I put her to bed and tell Rick that I will be staying at home with her. I put it down to 4 days of excitement and being generally over-tired. Poor little thing, every time she woke up and moved, she vomited again. We went through about 4 sets of sheets. Monique blew up an air mattress for her and she spent the night in our bedroom with us. She finally stopped vomiting at 3am, but was very tired and lethargic, so we let her sleep as much as possible, whenever she wanted to.