Tyler woke up feeling very tired and lethargic and went back to bed again this morning after breakfast and slept for 2 hours.
This gave us time to do all the 'house work' for Monique while she was out.
We woke her up and showered her then we went out to Olympic Park for a look around.
A southerly wind had sprung up overnight and was freezing. You could have sworn that it was blowing straight off the ice of the South Pole. Bryce forgot to take is jumper with us, so had to borrow Rick's jumper. Can't you just see the cold in his face?

We visited the poles commemmorating the Volunteers of the Sydney Olympic Games

- no Brisbane Volunteers were included here! It was here that we also say the Olympic Torch,

a pole celebrating Kylie Minogue's song "On A Night Like This" from the Opening Ceremony

.... and the list goes on. It was a fantastic thing to see, especially for anyone who wasn't able to be there for the Olympic Games.
We spoke to a lady in the Stadium Shop and asked if we could PLEASE have a sneak peek at the stadium, even though Rick had forgotten to bring his MSFA ID. We were in luck and one of the guides took us in. WOW! What a sight. It is so BIG and yet feels "so cosy". This place will seat 3 times as many people as the "Gabba" and the ground can be adapted from a regtangular field for Rugby Union and League to a round oval for the AFL. (The Sydney Swans call this "home"), just by sliding huge sections of seating in and out across the edges of the oval.
While we were there, Hasam ElMasri (NRL) was practicing some goal kicking.

This sculpture is suspended over the main entrance to the stadium. Each of the feathers on it represents each of the Australian native birds.

After here, we went back to Mary & Han's place for coffe and lunch.
After lunch, we went back to DFO, beside the Olympic Park, for a look around here. I have never been to DFO before, and I am very impressed. Couldn't do any shopping here, but did get myself a pair of Rivers thongs and Rick got a really nice Rivers shirt for a song. Kids got a new pair of sunglasses each. Am definitely going to DFO for new clothes etc, when we get back to Brisbane and back to work again.
When we got home again, we went out for dinner with Andrew, Monique and Neils at a lovely little Thai restaurant on Victoria Rd - walking distance from home.
Gave Tyler Panadol every 4 hours today and it worked well. She felt well all day.