Thursday, 23 August 2007

Thursday 23rd August 2007

Well, yesterday I finally got the phone call I had been waiting for from Blue Care offering me a job as a personal carer. Of course I accepted the position and I start with them next Tuesday. I now have to contact all of my Ab.Dom. clients to let them know that I am no longer able to clean for them. It is harder to do with some of the clients that I have been cleaning for since starting this job. I had to tell one of those clients in person today when I went to do my final clean for them. They were one of my very first clients and we have established a very trusting relationship and friendship. When I left today, we decided that we would keep in touch in the future.
Last Saturday, while Rick was at work, I decided to get the kids out of the house and on their bikes because they hadn't ridden them for ages, so we went for a bike ride to the park beside the beach about 1km away. We had never riden in that direction before, but we stuck to the back streets and easements and only had to cross 1 main road.
I decided to take the camera with me and take the opportunity to get lots of lovely photos of the kids at play.
I took this one of Tyler while she was lying on a rug with her dolls on the back lawn at home. We love this photo of her!!!!!

This was the two kids playing 'boats' at the park together. Note the figurehead!!
By the time we got home again, we had been out for a couple of hours and they were both well and truly ready for some lunch and a lovely sleep. Nothing like a still onshore sea breeze and a big bike ride to wear them out!!!!!!
We all had fun - even me having to walk fast to keep up with them.

Wednesday, 22 August 2007


On the 10th August, Tyler finally turned 5. After years of taking the back seat to Bryce's birthday parties, we decided that it was her turn to be made a big fuss of. We took her down to the shopping centre early on the day and had her ears pearced and then it it was home for morning tea and a birthday cake with Opa.
She received some really beautiful 'little girl' presents this year including the fairy below and a Barbie and Bratz dolls. Grandpa and Shirley's roller skating doll didn't work so we took it back to the shop and exchanged it for a "Littlest Pet Shop" set, which she loves.
She is at a lovely age now where she is really happy to sit and play out scenarios with her dolls and toys. It's lovely to sit back and watch her growing up into a beautiful little girl. Where is our baby girl going?

Queensland Museum

This was our day trip to the Museum fun was had by all.

We all went to the city on the train and spent the best part of the day at the Science Centre and QLD Museum.


Welcome all to the first entry into our new blog. We decided to set this up so that we can share our photos of family outings and events with each of you around the world. This has to be easier that emails and CD's in the mail!

Here are some recent photos of each of us, just so you know who you are looking at and talking to.