Friday, 7 December 2007
Kindy Graduation Day, 2007
Tyler's Kindy Christmas Party
Tyler loves to dance and here she is; not missing a beat.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
This week Bryce was invited to celebrate his best friend's birthday with 2 other boys to play Laser Skirmish. We didn't know it, but there is a Laser Skirmish ground just up at Mt Cotton only about 10 minutes from home. It is in the bush behind the Mt Cotton Scout Camp.
I was a bit uneasy at the thought of these young boys going out into the bush in full army clothing with laser guns with the object of shooting one another, but they had fun, and that's the main thing.
When we arrived up there, there were about 80 - 100 people (adults as well as kids) registered to play and they were all split into 2 groups - Caps and Hats - and the idea was that they were opposing armys. They played 2 x 15 minute rounds (swapping ends in the middle) to start with then they had a 15 minute break, and then they went back out into the bush to play 2 x 20 minutes rounds (swapping ends in between).
It was stipulated to them all before they started that it was a NON CONTACT game and a safe game to play - just to have heaps of fun - and FUN............THEY HAD. I think Bryce will be sleeping very soundly tonight. Thank goodness, it's a Pupil-Free day tomorrow at school.
While we were up there, on a walk through the bush, we spotted this wallaby grazing under the trees. Good thing I had the camera with me!
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Monday, 8 October 2007
What A Weekend!!

Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Monday, 24 September 2007
Sunday, 16 September 2007

... And no, the Lotto ticket was no good. It was in the $20 Million Jackpot too, and didn't yield a single cent. Oh well, there's always next time!
I got stuck into some scrapbooking again. (I haven't done any for 3 weeks, since I started work). I got really busy and created 15 "Just Because..." cards for this month's swap over at OSS. The hardest part was creating the first one and then every one after that was easy, I just changed each one slightly. I hope all the girls involved in the swap like my creation.Here is a little sneak peek at them.
I can't show you any more detail just in case any of the girls happen to find my blog and see them. (They are supposed to be a surprise).
After breakfast this morning, we decided to spend the morning having a look around the new IKEA store over at Springwood. In the past, I haven't liked the store or product they sell at all, but now - I'm converted! Apart from battling the crowds (the new catalogue came out last week), I just loved the store and we picked up a few little things while we were there. I can't get over how cheap it all it! We finally were able to replace a standing reading light that our Removalists broke for a quarter of the price of any other store We also found a bought a much needed Shower Organizer and Cutlery Drainer and for only a couple of $'s each. Bargain at half the price. I think I may go back next weekend, while Rick is on night shift, to pick up some new bed sheets. Can't wait for that.
Well, better finish off here and get my clean washing in and ironing done for tomorrow.
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Tuesday September 11,2007
Well it has been 2 weeks now since I started my new job with Blue Care, Redlands. Primarily, I am working as a Personal Carer for 2 days a week, but I also work in the Office every Friday as the "Intake Officer".
I am really enjoying working in the community, even though I thought I'd never go back to any type of 'nursing' work at all. Now, I'm hoping that one day I will be able to finish my nursing that I started way back in 1980. I've had heaps of 'hands-on' experience this then that has been documented in the form of certificates etc, which all count towards R.P.L's, (Recognition of Prior Learning), so hopefully finishing the course won't be too daunting. I just have to wait for the opportunity to come up where I can still do it while continuing to work. FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!!
Monday, 10 September 2007
Thursday, 23 August 2007
Thursday 23rd August 2007
I decided to take the camera with me and take the opportunity to get lots of lovely photos of the kids at play.
I took this one of Tyler while she was lying on a rug with her dolls on the back lawn at home. We love this photo of her!!!!!
By the time we got home again, we had been out for a couple of hours and they were both well and truly ready for some lunch and a lovely sleep. Nothing like a still onshore sea breeze and a big bike ride to wear them out!!!!!!
We all had fun - even me having to walk fast to keep up with them.
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
She received some really beautiful 'little girl' presents this year including the fairy below and a Barbie and Bratz dolls. Grandpa and Shirley's roller skating doll didn't work so we took it back to the shop and exchanged it for a "Littlest Pet Shop" set, which she loves.
She is at a lovely age now where she is really happy to sit and play out scenarios with her dolls and toys. It's lovely to sit back and watch her growing up into a beautiful little girl. Where is our baby girl going?